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House of 1000 Pleasures (1974) - Also known as "Club privé pour couples avertis"

Director: Max Pécas
Cast: Philippe Gasté, Denyse Roland, Chantal Arondel, Michel Vocoret, Henri Serre, Anne Libert, Gilda Arancio, Liliane Ponzio, Anne Kerylen, Christophe Alberola, Guy Piérauld, Roland Charbaux, Claude Villaret, Cathy, Danielle Altenburger, Paul Bisciglia, Roger Dodier, Masha Larcher


Marcel is a taxi driver who luckily pickups a gorgeous woman who begins to undress herself while in the back seat. Soon she leads him to a Private Club where he can pick any woman he wants to satisfy his sexual fantasies. After he...

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