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Undercover Cheerleader (2019)

Director: Danny J. Boyle
Cast: Kayla Wallace, Andre Anthony, Tyson Arner, Abby Chung, Sarah Corrigan, Ryan Grantham, Brian E.B. Leslie, Mya Lowe, Kehli O'Byrne, Maddie Phillips, Sarah-Jane Redmond, Dion Riley, Tedra Rogers, Samantha Schimmer, Bobby Stewart, Khamisa Wilsher, Carolyn Yonge


Autumn goes undercover as a cheerleader to report on the toxic culture of cheerleading for her high school newspaper. As the articles come out, cheerleaders start getting picked off one by one, as someone is determined to shut down the expose. Autumn must find the attacker before she herself is discovered and killed.

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