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Fast and Fierce: Death Race (2020) - Also known as "In the Drift"

Director: Jared Cohn
Cast: Michael DeVorzon, Paulina Laurant, Veronika Issa, Jack Pearson, Nate Walker, Becca Buckalew, DMX, Gigi Gustin, Nicholas Ryan, Adrian Avila, Nora Harriet Aossey, Amy Covell, Dom Poniac, Joyce Tatler, Kassandra Escandell, Mechela Cobb, Jos Deacon, Jeff Jones, Jason Talmadge, Supreme Williams, Matthew Tallman, Fernando Rivas, Jonathan Miranda, Fresh


Jack Tyson is a young man partaking in an illegal Mexico to California car race when a desperate woman, fleeing from her abusive gangster boyfriend who is financing the tournament, jumps into his car pleading for his help and who has an incriminating USB drive that could send her thug boyfriend, among others, to prison.

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