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Deadliest Warrior - TV Programs (2009)

Cast: Geoff Desmoulin, Armand Dorian, Max Geiger, Richard Machowicz, David Lain Baker, Sonny Sison, David Wenham, Shaun Paul Piccinino, Robert Daley, Ardeshir Radpour, Ryan T. Husk, Bryan Forrest, Mathew Lorenceau, Westley Nguyen, Andrew Rasputin, Mike Mayhall, Aaron Schoenke, Jason Nguyen, Emilien De Falco, Cody Jones, Jonathan Khan, Fahim Fazli, Joseph Zinsman, David Anthony Buglione, Skoti Collins, Maynor Lopez, Sonny Puzikas, Tony Salantri, Siso Kamburov, Thor Knai


Throughout history, there have been great warriors who have made their mark in battle, but how they could have matched up against each other is a mystery. This series endeavors to solve that mystery with various matchups of such warrior classes. With a systematic examination of their physical and cultural qualities, training and weapons, a field of experts strive to find the real facts of such warriors. When the research is compete, each episode ends with a simulated battle to see who is truly the deadliest warrior.

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