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Avenged (2013) - Also known as "Savaged"

Director: Michael S. Ojeda
Cast: Amanda Adrienne Smith, Marc Anthony Samuel, Rodney Rowland, John Charles Meyer, Tom Ardavany, Brionne Davis, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Joseph Runningfox, Daniel Knight, Kyle Morris, Ed Fletcher, Donnelle Russell, Jason Gurvitz, Peter Sherayko, Kingo Ojeda


Empowered by love and determined to move in with her long-distance boyfriend, Zoe, a kind 24-year-old deaf woman, plucks up her courage for a one-way trip across the vast and desolate American Southwest, eager for a fresh start. Unfortunately though, while on her way, Zoe will encounter a band of sadistic white supremacists who will capture and torture her, and when they ultimately have their way with her, leave her for dead in a shallow grave. But there, in the serene and barren desert of New Mexico, a wise Native American Shaman who will salvage the unfortunate woman, will attempt to perform an ancient ritual of resurrection, unbeknownst to him that the impatient wandering spirits of the dead Apaches always crave for revenge. As a result, a betrayed entity will creep into Zoe, anointing her a vessel of retribution who will pitilessly weed out one by one all those who wronged her. Now, Zoe is unstoppable.

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