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WWF Superstars - TV Series (1986-1999) - Also known as "WWF Superstars of Wrestling"

Cast: Vince McMahon, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Ted DiBiase, Jimmy Hart, Bobby Heenan, Jesse Ventura, Randy Savage, Curt Hennig, Ken Johnson, Jake Roberts, Harry Fujiwara, Gene Okerlund, Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Steve Lombardi, Jim Neidhart, Wayne Farris, Marty Jannetty, Davey Boy Smith, Bruce Prichard, Merced Solis, Jim Duggan, Mike Jones, Ray Hernandez, John Tenta, Bill Eadie, Jim Hellwig, Mark Calaway, Jacques Rougeau


In the early 80's, Vince McMahon began a "WWF Superstars of Wrestling" as a Saturday morning, family friendly version of professional wrestling. He built a phenomenon around such characters as Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, The Junk Yard Dog, Andre the Giant, Demolition, and later Bret Hitman Hart, The Undertaker & Shawn Michaels. The show featured pro wrestling and soap opera-esque storylines. The show ended its thirteen year run in 1997, when the WWF moved into edgier territory with its RAW program.

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