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Pin Cushion (2017)

Director: Deborah Haywood
Cast: Lily Newmark, Joanna Scanlan, Loris Scarpa, Sacha Cordy-Nice, Bethany Antonia, Saskia Paige Martin, Sophia Tuckey, John Henshaw, Lennon Bradley, Aury Wayne, Charlie Frances, Isy Suttie, John Albasiny, Pamela DeAbreu, Phil Tillott, Lee Jacob


Super close Mother LYN and daughter IONA (Dafty One and Dafty Two) are excited for their new life in a new town. Determined to make a success of things after a tricky start, Iona becomes 'best friends' with KEELY, STACEY and CHELSEA. Used to being Iona's bestie herself, Lyn feels left out. So Lyn also makes friends with BELINDA, her neighbour. As much as Lyn and Iona pretend to each other that things are going great, things aren't going great for either of them. Iona struggles with the girls, who act more like frenemies than friends, and Belinda won't give Lyn her stepladders back. Both Mother and Daughter retreat into fantasy and lies.

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