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Blaze (2018)

Biography, Drama, Music
USA (English) 129 min
6.7 -
  - /10   - /10   0
Updated on 2021 Jul 19
 4 wins & 11 nominations.
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Director: Ethan Hawke
Cast: Ben Dickey, Alia Shawkat, Charlie Sexton, Josh Hamilton, Kris Kristofferson, Richard Linklater, Sam Rockwell, Steve Zahn, Gurf Morlix, Ethan Hawke, Alynda Segarra, Sybil Rosen, Nancy Roppolo, David Hinson, Aaron Augustus


Inspired by the life of Blaze Foley, the unsung songwriting legend of the Texas outlaw music movement that spawned the likes of Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson. The film weaves together three different periods of time, braiding re-imagined versions of Blaze's past, present and future. The different strands explore his love affair with Sybil Rosen; his last, dark night on earth; and the impact of his songs and his death had on his fans, friends, and foes. The braided storyline terminates in a bittersweet ending that acknowledges Blaze's profound highs and lows, as well as the impressions he made on the people who shared his journey.

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