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Morning Show Mystery: Mortal Mishaps (2018)

Director: Terry Ingram
Cast: Holly Robinson Peete, Rick Fox, Karen Robinson, Al Roker, Jordana Largy, Anna Van Hooft, Jesse Moss, David Lewis, Ben Wilkinson, Kirsten Robek, Tom Butler, Greg Rogers, David Paetkau, Andres Joseph, Andy Nez


Billie Blessings has gone from beloved chef, restaurant owner, and morning show segment host to #1 suspect in a murder case when one of the executives at the network dies from poisoning. When the head chef at Billie's restaurant is arrested and held as a suspect, all eyes are on Billie, but she's not interested in waiting around for the cops to figure out what happened. Taking matters into her own hands, Billie digs deeper into a mystery that could incriminate a number of people close to her, all while risking her own life in the process - and her celebrity status sure doesn't help her stay under the radar.

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