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Finding Grace (2020)

Director: Warren Fast
Cast: Erin Gray, David Keith, Bo Svenson, Paris Warner, Jasen Wade, Phyllis Spielman, Lacy Hartselle, Gage Maynard, Bethany Davenport, Braden Balazik, Kisha Sharon Oglesby, Warren Fast, Brad Napp, David Raizor, Avery E. King, Daphne Lewis, Michael Gladden, Stacie Fast, Trent Van Alstine, Steve Norris, Alisa Erkes, Israel Varela, Barbara Chevalier, Paige Fiser, Cathy Davis, Jessica Davis, Lacie Fiser, Aaron Davis Sr., Megan Crowson, Alisha Brady


Alaska Rose has had a difficult few years since her mom left the family four years prior; acting out, rebelling against her single dad, Conner, getting into trouble in school and worse. But when she turns eighteen, Alaska finds herself in front of a judge in adult court for some of the same out-of-control behavior. In lieu of a jail sentence, Alaska is ordered to do community service in an assisted living facility where she is assigned to Mrs. Foster, an elderly resident who is unapproachable at best and hostile at her worst. Will Mrs. Foster be Alaska's undoing or will she simply be another obstacle on the road to the headstrong girl's freedom? As Alaska tries to minimally fulfill her court obligation and dodge actual jail time, she deals with peer pressure, static from her family, outside influences and demons from her past. Can she navigate the tumult and re-discover a relationship with God and her family or will she remain caught in the cycle of bad choices and lose what little

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