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Savage State (2019) - Also known as "L'état sauvage"

Director: David Perrault
Cast: Alice Isaaz, Kevin Janssens, Déborah François, Bruno Todeschini, Constance Dollé, Armelle Abibou, Maryne Bertieaux, Kate Moran, Pierre-Yves Cardinal, Jerry Di Giacomo, Grégoire Colin, Lee Delong, Vincent Grass, Mathieu Perotto, James Gerard, Michel Gregory Dagenais, Marc de Panda, Bamar Kane


The American Civil War breaks out - A family of French colonists, settled in Missouri, decides to go back to France. Edmond, Madeleine, and their three daughters have to cross the whole country to reach New-York. They are led by the mysterious and dangerous mercenary, Victor.

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