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Original Gangster (2020)

Director: Savvas D. Michael
Cast: Steve Guttenberg, Ian Reddington, Alex Mills, Isabele De Rosa, Vas Blackwood, Adam Deacon, Daniel Caltagirone, Lois Brabin-Platt, Sean Cronin, Stuart Whelan, Lee Nicholas Harris, Vin Hawke, Sophie Pâris, Badger Skelton, Abdul Pope, David Savizon, Colin Burt Vidler, Jamie Crew, Mike Mousicos, Metin Hassan, Nicky B, Serhat Metin, Marc Ozall, David Mullenger, Steve Ward, Shezai Fejzo, Nick Campbell, Andreina Sambucetti, Chris Martin Hill, Joss Carter, Pierfilippo Agati


The stoic chronicles of Castor, orphaned as a child, forced to survive in the wild and his colorful journey through the criminal underworld of London.

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