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Zee van Tijd (2022) - Also known as "Sea of Time"

Director: Theu Boermans
Cast: Sallie Harmsen, Reinout Scholten van Aschat, Elsie de Brauw, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, River Oosterink, Barbara Sobels, Koen Franse, Mieneke Bakker, Diana Dobbelman, Ruben Lürsen, Jules Hamel, Kim Hertogs, Sophie van Oers, Laurien van Rijswijk, Mike Meijer, Janni Goslinga, Tobias Rafael Segura Peralta, Lette Vos


Lucas and Johanna live in the 80s, madly in love, in a world full of dreams and ideals. Then a disastrous accident, during their sailing trip on the Atlantic, separates them. Thirty-five years later, in the autumn of their lives, ...

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