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Nefarious (2019)

Director: Richard Rowntree
Cast: Jon Vangdal Aamaas, Aaron Thomas Ward, Nadia Lamin, Richard Rowntree, Natalie Mitson, Gregory A. Smith, Tony Sands, Ashton Bell, Buck Braithwaite, Toby Wynn-Davies, Abbey Gillett, Matt Streuli, Emma Scott, Carla Hart, Connor Aldridge, Dave Gadsby, Matt Wignall, Caroline Holmes, Emma Feeney, Emily Campling, Lee Hall, Omari Lake-Pottinger, Matthew Davies, Brian Davidson, Aimee Stanhope, Marlon Roberts, Louis Theochari


Darren, Lou, Jo and Mas live a meager existence on the fringes of poverty. Indebted to the criminal kingpin of their social housing development, they routinely fear for their lives. On the other side of town, the already wealthy Marcus and his disabled brother Clive receive a windfall in the form of a winning lottery ticket. When their worlds collide following a botched robbery, the would-be criminals get more than they bargained for, and will be tested to their limits in a desperate attempt to survive a predator of monstrous proportions.

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