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Ulysses: A Dark Odyssey (2018)

Director: Federico Alotto
Cast: Danny Glover, Udo Kier, Anamaria Marinca, Gianni Capaldi, Andrea Zirio, Charlotte Kirk, Drew Kenney, Walter Nudo, Jessica Polsky, Sigal Diamant, Francesca Ravera, Mario Acampa, Vanina Bianco, Pierluigi Ferrero, Cassandra Gava, Giovanni Mancaruso, Umberto Noto, Piero Ali Passatore, Alessia Pratolongo, Ariana Rodriguez, Elena Rotari, Ettore Scarpa, Skin


Taurus City, The United States of Europe, 2023. Uly, a disillusioned soldier riddled with amnesia, returns home from a war in the Middle East, knowing only that he must desperately comb the city to find his beloved wife, Penelope. Fate fills this endless night with a series of chance meetings. Whether it be the wealthy Alcyde, the beastly cyclops Popov, Aeo the Gyspy, or Cici the Sorceress, good or evil that they be, each encounter fills in a missing piece of Uly's memory, so that he can finally face his past.

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