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The Ultimate Playlist of Noise (2021)

Director: Bennett Lasseter
Cast: Keean Johnson, Madeline Brewer, Rya Kihlstedt, Ian Gomez, Bonnie Hunt, Emily Skeggs, Ariela Barer, Oliver Cooper, Jake Weary, Carol Mansell, Gordon Winarick, Michelle Smiley, Kristen Doscher, Andy Rich, Raymond S. Jahnke, Carrie Louise Putrello, Heather Giangreco, Jack Fortin, Tyler McDonald, Ricky Pak, Marc Porterfield, Demerris Bufford, Robert Roller, Dennis Crawford, Alyssa Fullana, Jacob Furco, Mark Falso, Ryan Joseph Long, Jaxon Jahnke, Scott Matheny, Jody Pucello, Brett Puglisi, Jake Puglisi, Noah Winchell, Bree Swartz, Kevin Tanski, Mintira Nokdhes


Marcus, an audio-obsessed high school senior, learns he must undergo brain surgery that will render him deaf, and decides to seize control of his fate by recording the Ultimate Playlist of Noise.

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