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Elizabeth I's Secret Agents - TV Programs (2017)

Cast: Colin Tierney, Dominic Green, Kevin James, Philip Rosch, Jerry Brotton, Lisa Hilton, Jessie Childs, Alexander Courtney, Adam Jackson-Smith, Julie Neubert, Stuart McMillan, Onyeka Nubia, Jan Graffius, Robert Lacey, Kate Maltby, Robert Hutchinson, Ronald Hutton, James Daybell, Joe Wredden, Tony Parkin, Joyia Fitch, Anthony Webster


During a period when Britain was divided, unstable and violent, one of the world's first secret services was born. Run by William and Robert Cecil, this father and son team had the duty of protecting the Queen and the Country. Leading historians are asked to each study the period from a different key player's point of view, dissecting the minds and motivations of the protagonists, to reveal a covert spy network - and present a picture of the Elizabethan Court as it really was. We find England alone - a Protestant nation in a largely Catholic Europe. Then, 12 years into Elizabeth's reign, the Pope declares her a heretic, which in the hearts of England's Catholics gives them permission to kill her. Queen Elizabeth looks to her spymaster William Cecil to stop the Catholic assassins getting through. Cecil establishes a huge espionage network - England's first secret service. His spies break Catholic conspiracies at home and abroad. Cecil's network is put on high alert by intelligence from.

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