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Shooting the Warwicks (2015) - Also known as "Reality Show"

Director: Adam Rifkin
Cast: Adam Rifkin, Scott Anderson, Kelly Menighan, Constantine Paraskevopoulos, Monika Tilling, Shane McAvoy, Lindsey Grubbs, Valerie Breiman, Kendra Waldman, Marri Savinar, Bianca Araceli, Dave Bean, Bethany Blakey, Janie Boisclair, Brian Borello


Shooting the Warwicks is a darkly comedic satire about reality TV producer Mickey Wagner and his amoral attempt to re-invent the genre. Mickey's revolutionary idea is to pick an average family and put them under all-encompassing surveillance...without their knowledge. Unfortunately, Mickey soon realizes that the family is boring. In a desperate attempt to salvage the show, Mickey begins to interfere by injecting conflict to create drama. As the show gets better, the family starts to disintegrate. Mickey rationalizes that all will be OK in the end, for once the episodes begin airing, fame will heal all wounds.

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