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Infernal (2015)

Director: Bryan Coyne
Cast: Andy Ostroff, Heather Adair, Alyssa Koerner, Kyle Koerner, Jose Rosete, Noelle Bruno, Lisagaye Tomlinson, Elizabeth Stahl, John Zion, Sara Winter, Chris Baer, Lita Lopez, Matthew Scott Payne, Shane Hartline, Leandra Ryan


A happy young couple welcomes their first child shortly after getting married. Their joy quickly turns to fear when the girl starts acting strangely and unexplained phenomena start happening around the house. Fearing their daughter could be possessed, the parents call in a priest to perform an exorcism, but when that goes horribly wrong, the parents start to wonder if they can break their child free from the evil spirit that has taken over her body and soul and if she can be saved before it's too late.

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