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The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You - TV Series (2023-2025) - Also known as "Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo"

Director: Rikito Nakamura
Cast: Kaede Hondo, Yûji Ueda, Miyu Tomita, Wataru Kato, Asami Seto, Maria Naganawa, Sarah Wiedenheft, Sara Ragsdale, Jim Foronda, Travis Mullenix, Cassie Ewulu, Ariel Graham, Lindsay Sheppard, Ayaka Asai, Corey Pettit, Sumire Uesaka, Suzuko Mimori, Amane Shindou


Rentarô Aijô decides to date all of his soulmates after Hakari Hanazono and Karane Inda confess to him at the same time God of Love tells him that they will die if any of his soulmates fails to get into a relationship with him.

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