Another child trafficker making their money through the lovers of hollywood. Lopez and Diddy are sick freaks. That's why I download torrents. These satanist will never get another dime of my money. This movie sucks BTW. Not for me. I just cant stand to look at child rapist very long. So it might just be me.
Not bad if you can get past the gay dinner couple puking all over this movie. It is so unnatural for gays to be allowed to function in public Even the actors seem uncomfortable even though they play gay in real life. TOTAL turn off the way hollywood has to put gays, trans or interracial couples all over every movies they puke out as if they have an agenda. OH WAIT, They do have an agenda. One that is failing.
The movie art/cover tells me all I need to know about this crap. That's a BIG DEI nope! Renee needs to retire her grandma face. Hooking up with people young enough to be her grandson is sickening.
rainiertx and finnnigel Well said. This crap is coming to an end. They will never normalize anal sex between two men. It's unnatural and disease ridden and just plain disgusting. These people have mental issues and need to keep their perversions to their self.
OMG! Download, please! I need to know I'm not the only one who watched 50% of this garbage. I couldn't get through it all. It's like a bunch of friends got together to make a horror movie and did on $100.00 budget.
The movie is actually quite boring and over the top. But that's what Hollywood does for the joo. More psyop bullshite. This crap was a setup. All Israeli "attacks" are setups by Israel to keep the sympathy train rolling along. F**k Israel.
The cabal and the satanist want a war with Russia so bad they keep putting in their hollywood programming that Russia is the enemy so when our own government attacks us AGAIN they have someone to blame. Really a stupid movie. Cant believe they set it up for a part two. This is some crap they make into a series that gets canceled after the first season. Part 2 will be much worse guaranteed.
Not bad but not great either. Entertaining at times. Especially if you're a teenager. Time waster. If you enjoy 85 pound women defeating grown men this is right up you DEI alley.
Hey Moth, we know its not a blue ray or 4k movie. Hell, we even know its not 720. WHY? It tells us under the IMDB ratings and stats line that its a "Telecine." Just like all the other movies on here.