prior to airing, they said that they were "even going to celebrate movies"... You know, because the sociopolitical opinions of these rich elitists is the REAL reason that everyone watches this shitshow 🙄
Huh, so now the creature from Finland speaks German, too? Pretty sure that thing just trolls the internet looking to promote the woke agenda. it's time is up. that creature just doesn't know it yet... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Rachel Zegler... yeah, no thanks. I ain't watching anything that that "weird, weird" woke witch has any part of. And as a straight, white, Christian male, I'm sure that that is just fine with her, too, so.....
I just wanted to ask if everyone is ok? Do any of you need a binkie? Maybe some coloring books? I know it's going to be hard having to live with the knowledge that Donald J Trump is your new president. Not only that, but the majority of the American People, how do you say? Spoke Power to their Truth? 🤣 What they really did was hand the Republicans the Senate, the House and the Presidency in a major "fck you" to every one of you sick, woke fcks. ENJOY 🤠
"Enough with the stupid religious movies. Boring and stupid as f*ck!"... Yes. Please. More of the deviant sexual immorality instead. Because THAT is the one thing from which every civilization throughout history has prospered. That's sarcasm for the IQ challenged around here. Yes. I'm looking at you @NotALady.
What sad lives people must have when they feel the need to upvote every single alphabet affirming crap that comes out and denigrate everyone who doesn't fall in line and suck 🐓 like they do. 🤷♂️ meh... takes all kinds, I reckon...
Of course, we should all take the word of @NotALady from "finland" who is most assuredly fluent in Hindi and has definitely watched this 😉 as to what is or is not good. I admit that I haven't seen it, but my 10 is only to negate "her" lying 1. But of course "she" always has something to say about anyone who criticizes "her" tranny porn. Hypocrisy is lost on "her" kind.
meh... it's ok, but nothing to write home about. As always, the original was MUCH better. The best thing I can say about it is that the only wokeness that they managed to shoehorn in was that Astrid is a "climate activist" and is supposed to be attending a function, but if you blink, you'll miss it so... a win? If you are looking to relive the 80's, I guess you could do worse. It's sad when THIS is was qualifies as a 6-start rating these days
@NotALady - "And what the f*ck do you know anyway- you live in Canada, bud. Derpy mofo"... derp mofo indeed. You JUST got through saying "funny that you assume people put their real details on an illegal torrenting site" yet you assume that @wasp put his/her real details on an illegal torrenting site. Hilarious the amount of ignorance in this one 🤣