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The Well (2023)
M-- V-- A--
last week
Primozar 25, M, Bahamas
A Joker Folie à deux, à trois, à quatre, with tremendous highs and lows. A film that doesn’t betray a certain artisanal or homemade feel and tries to make a virtue of necessity. But in this sense, the first major weakness is the dialogue: unrealistic, banal, flat (I don’t know if there's an English version, but I believe everyone acted in Italian). The performance of the young girl, who increasingly has an important role in the film, with a final reference to Klimt’s work The Three Ages of Woman, is mediocre. In terms of acting, Gerini manages to get by on her experience, but the protagonist, this mix between Cristina d’Avena and Michael Jackson, remains intangible to me. Lorenzo Renzi, on the other hand, in the role of the villain, is truly terrifying—actually painful—he truly hurts. Melanie Gaydos is also excellent, as always. She consistently delivers a beautiful message, that sometimes one can make an art out of one’s physical abnormality. There are some limitations in the script t
The Convert (2023)
M5 V-- A--
last week
Primozar 25, M, Bahamas
here is something interesting, photography undoubtedly is. On the other hand, the Maoris who attack an English brig then nonchalantly guide it towards a rival tribe, complete with sagacity in the use of sails and on-board cannons which promptly destroy a typical hut 300 meters away, always a slight force . Anyway we always talk about colonialism, English in fact, but the film is also completely colonized in the sense that there is little or nothing of Maori culture.
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